![]() 10/16/2013 at 19:50 • Filed to: WayBack Wednesdays, The Opposite Locker, Amber Heard, Mercedes-Benz, 300SL, OppositeLock | ![]() | ![]() |
This is The Opposite Locker - Wayback Wednesdays where we try and sort out the cool from the square. This is a discussion system detailing how cool an older car was, not how fast, fun, or frivolous it may have been, but how well it looks in the cat's pajamas. But, you may be asking, !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
Wayback Wednesdays are like the normal !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! , save for the advanced age of the cars on the block. For this series of posts, try and perceive the vehicle as if you were living in the time period of the car's release, and then base your vote upon its coolness, taking into consideration the evolution of culture.
Locker Space
Porsche 550
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! - This car was voted 'cool', but !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! had the most interesting answer, "Im not even going to vote, there is no right answer here, some will say its frigid, and some will say square and they can both be right. I love the engine, I love the history and the idea...but Im not sold on it being a "cool" car. Interesting, you bet...but cool? Im not sure."
Chevrolet Camaro '67
Dodge Charger '68
DeLorean DMC-12
Nizzan 300ZX
Ford Mustang '64*
New Kid On The Block
The iconic 300SL from Mercedes-Benz showcased itself apart from it's competition, mainly through it's gull-wing doors; and thats basically all this car will be remembered for. The 300SL may have been a genuine supercar in relation to the median car of the day, but did the flashiness outpace it's appeal?
Mercedes-Benz 300SL
![]() 10/16/2013 at 12:31 |
It's the gull-wing. Frigid.
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Gullwing doors - never seen before. Top speed of 140 mph - never seen before. There were more desirable cars then, but this is still frigid.
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I see there are votes for square, but I see no comments. What could your argument possibly be?
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This car, despite its eye watering price and likely hood of being trailer queen for the rest of its life is so frigid. Its just aged so wonderfully and has a great heritage. I wish the SLS was more like this and less like an ironed out robot penis.
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my guess is that its Cliche', which it is...but for a reason.
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I can't get over your ironed out robot penis comment. I didn't see it before but now...
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I pressed frigid. But nobody wearing a skirt or dress will want to ride in it since the sills are way too high. Therefore, it's cool, but not frigid.
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I don't think it is. But I'm not really that educated in auto history. Was this already cliche when the 300SL came out?
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wut? are you asking if the 300SL was cliche when the 300SL came out? do you mean the SLS? I think that yeah, like the F40 and McLaren F1, the 300SL was just "that car" that people knew about as being awesome.
![]() 10/16/2013 at 12:48 |
Yes, but when you put it that way it sounds silly. It is cliche now, but it wasn't copying an overused idea when it came out, correct? I'm here to learn. I'm not well versed in what's "cool."
I know what the SLS is.
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Were talking about today, not then. Its earned a cliched status for being amazing, some people thing that warrants uncool, the same people that probably think that if something isn't new and shocking its old hat and stupid...you know...morons.
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NOW I get it. People are morons.
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Frigid, absolutely frigid. Not only is it an icon of automotive design, and straight up one of the prettiest cars ever built, it also is one of the few cars that also gets approval from the opposite sex as well as from men. It's class, and speed made corporeal in sheet metal.
![]() 10/16/2013 at 13:10 |
This car has to be frigid. I worked at a fleet maintenance shop which happened to be located between a shop that mainly worked on British classics and a shop that primarily worked on Italian cars. One day a Gullwing showed up at the British shop. It was the one time my coworkers were ever impressed by something other than an American muscle cars. That's saying something. (My coworkers drive pick up trucks and primarily like Chevelles and Chargers). Stupid me was in to much shock to take a picture, so no SR20.
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200 hp, 2400lbs, tube-frame structure, gull-wing doors, engine side-vents. It was a race car that they decided to sell as a street car, not the other way around, and it still somehow looks both emotionally sexy and timelessly elegant. This is about as frigid as they come.
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I can't say, never having seen one in person. But Sophia Loren votes "frigid," by which she means "hot."
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There shouldn't even be a square option
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That would make for interesting first dates when opening the door for the girl...
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Yep...Still love Amber Heard. The Merc is nice too.
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Short answer? Hipsters.
Long answer? Fucking hipsters.
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IMO Mercedes has not made a prettier new car design since. They made some very pretty cars before the 300SL. And they had some pretty future models that had derivative designs. But I can't think of a new design language they had after the 300SL that looked better.
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I was looking for this question and answer as soon as I saw the square. Cliche all day, still cool though, cause you know you would drive the wheels off it if you had one show up in your garage overnight
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Didn't you post this earlier?
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I want to be the second 'p' in 'opposite'.
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I'm sorry but that one person who voted square is a "slimy little Communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker". This vote is just a formality.
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No, even hipsters find this car frigid. The people you refer too are "slimy little Communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers".
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I repost these because most of the people that work and don't check Oppo are too lazy to scroll all that way back.
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Somebody removed their column shifter...
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Saw one in person once, my jaw literally dropped. And I was overtaken by a roadster as well, oh god that sound...